A "security researcher"?

screenshot of the log file, as given in the main text

My attention was brought to a whole bunch of "page not found" errors in the log of my website tonight. At first, I just thought it was just someone trying scripts to gain access so I sent an abuse report to Linode as they owned the IP address,

Their reply was vaguely interesting, though. They said that they didn't regard it as abuse as it was a "security researcher" at work. Huh? On my website? Seriously? Wow - they need to set their sights higher!!! 

In this circumstance, our Trust & Safety team have determined that the Linode customer operating this IP is a security researcher, and the traffic is not intended to be malicious.

Anyway, I thought the actual log of locations tried might be useful to others, so here they are:

-------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ID       Date           Type             Severity   Message
 -------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  437103   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/aggregator.overview.html.twig
  437102   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.index.html.twig
  437101   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/workflows.overview.html.twig
  437100   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/config.import_full.html.twig
  437099   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/field_ui.reference_field.html.twig
  437098   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/views_ui.edit.html.twig
  437097   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/bender-runner.config.json
  437096   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/contact.creating.html.twig
  437095   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/field_ui.manage_form.html.twig
  437094   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/search.overview.html.twig
  437093   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/field_ui.manage_display.html.twig
  437092   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/scripts/dev/commit-code-check.sh
  437091   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/system.maintenance_mode.html.twig
  437090   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/CHANGES.md
  437089   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/image.style.html.twig
  437088   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/responsive_image.style.html.twig
  437087   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/views_ui.add_display.html.twig
  437086   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/book.adding.html.twig
  437085   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/LICENSE.md
  437084   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/config.export_full.html.twig
  437083   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/content_moderation.configuring_workflows.html.twig
  437082   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/modules/help_topics/help_topics/layout_builder.overview.html.twig
  437081   06/Sep 07:06   page not found   Warning    /core/themes/olivero/olivero.libraries.yml
 -------- -------------- ---------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Looks to me like they are trying to access files in core modules and then compare them to know versions to work out the version of Drupal installed. I guess then they know what vulnerabilities are available?

The only thing is, none of those files should be available over the web, anyway – not if a site is setup properly. 

